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To produce the finest affordable serigraphs and showcase our “Made in India” art prints to hundreds of millions of customers globally and take Indian art to the world. We also aim at providing an opportunity to Indian artists to expand beyond the domestic market and thus help serve the entire art ecosystem.

There is a great demand for Indian art works, not only from the millions of Indians living abroad but global art lovers across ethnicities who benefit from DRS Editions’ vast and unique serigraph selection at affordable prices.

Endorse Indianness Globally
to Showcase Indian Art Heritage

Amid India’s rapid globalisation and economic development, serigraphs of Indian art provide a lens onto varied cultures in India and the transforming fabric of society. Informed by a rich craft heritage along with a culturally diverse population, Indian art today is more than a sum of its parts. Indian artists blend a vast array of influences, in the process making artworks as surprising and intriguing as India itself.

Focus on Subject,
Technique and Content

If the three aforesaid qualities are in order, the client is surely going to benefit by buying the serigraph. Our serigraphs must not only adorn the house of our client but prove to be more profitable than real estate and serve as a better investment than stocks or bonds.

Find the Right Place, Right Wall
and Right Client for Each Serigraph

DRS Editions produces the “right product” and ensures that it actually delivered to the “right client” for the product to be placed at the “right wall” in the “right place”.

Nurturing Talent
and Asset Building

Not every asset is an art but almost every art is an asset. Our prime interest is to build a strong bench of strong talent and work to develop their strengths to provide you an asset that reflects their fortified social, commercial and cultural aesthetics.



Follow the QGLP Framework

DRS Editions wants to provide Quality in producing art prints, Growth for the artists we work with, Legacy for our collector’s coming generations, and Profit for all.

Preserve Cultural Artworks
from the Distant Past

DRS Editions wants to recreate and preserve some of the most recognized pieces of art that we know today. We also want to reproduce art prints of important artworks that may have lost their esteemed value owing to it being staying buried in a private collection.

Create Awareness about
Genuine and Authentic Editions

Provide transparent and comprehensive information, and make clients aware of the difference between serigraphs and posters, thus protecting from making a bad purchase.

Foster Creative Culture

We bring meaning and a sense of belonging to our workplace through thorough research, understanding each related subject, concepts, techniques tapping into and individual passions and observations in day-to-day world, and establish practices that allow for growth and learning in the process.

Creativity and Commerce Conundrum

By weaving creativity with commerce, DRS Editions contributes in creating a whole new business opportunities for the nation in all sectors including employment, economy, and aesthetics. The creative economy includes varied businesses not just those that are directly associated with arts.



To produce the finest affordable serigraphs and showcase our “Made in India” art prints to hundreds of millions of customers globally and take Indian art to the world. We also aim at providing an opportunity to Indian artists to expand beyond the domestic market and thus help serve the entire art ecosystem.

There is a great demand for Indian art works, not only from the millions of Indians living abroad but global art lovers across ethnicities who benefit from DRS Editions’ vast and unique serigraph selection at affordable prices.