Catch Paintings by the Magician of the Marine

Catch Paintings by the Magician of the Marine

Chaitya Dhanvi Shah and Natu Parikh

Ahmedabad Mirror


Journalist: Kruti Naik

Catch Paintings by the Magician of the Marine

In a room packed with seascape paintings reflecting the serenity and hues of the sea, veteran painter Natu
Parikh is interacting with art lovers on his passion and love for the waters. “At 84, all you have is a wonderful
past. But my paintings will always be there to speak about me and my love when I won’t be in this world,”
said artist Natu Parikh.

By The Sea – an exhibition of paintings by the artist is to open at Marvel Art Gallery this evening. On display
are 45 paintings made between 1990 and 2014. One cannot miss the mixture of vibrant colours and free use of shades like blue, pink, orange and yellow in the works.

Chaitya Dhanvi Shah of Marvel said, “There are only a few who work in the genre of ‘marine’. As a gallery, we wanted to showcase a new and different part of work.”

Talking about his fascination and love for the sea, Parikh said, “I looked at the sea of Nargol, Tithal, Diu
for hours and tried to introspect the depth of a human mind as the sea has the same depth.”

The paintings exhibit Indian spiritual elements painted with a western approach to beautify creations. The exhibition will be open till August 20.

— Kruti Naik

Team DRS

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