The World of Ravindra Salve
By Chaitya Dhanvi Shah
‘The World of Ravindra Salve’ – a well-stocked and opulent show on the collection of paintings by Mumbai – based artist Ravindra Salve – purely boasts of bold, colours w alking dots and lines, Greek figures and miniature art forms, all in the decorative style adopted by the artist. Each subtle form from Nayak and Nayika, the main protagonists to the other characters are explored amidst fantasy, another feature of this collection that’s best told to delight and surprise the viewers.
Broadly, Salve’s paintings reflect a cosmopolitan world with the key ingredient of happiness. His paintings can be called ‘mythology based’ or ‘invented mythology’ that has taken him so far. Salve has adopted an altogether a decorative style by fitting in additional objects and bringing attributes to his paintings, such as kindness and benevolence, elegance and nobility, refinement and purity, justice and dharma, grace and majesty, strength and fertility, knowledge and power as the source of creation. What the collection all endeavours to leave are some true traces of life only to inspire happiness within whoever takes a look at it.
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